the adjustment bureau - philip k. dick
all men are mortal - simone de beauvoir
american gods - neil gaiman
at the slope - markus werner
battle royale - koushun takami
blindness - jose saramago
the breakdown - friedrich dürrenmatt
the dark side of the moon - martin suter
the deceiver - ferdinand delcker
doppler - erlend loe
fahrenheit 451 - ray bradbury
gantenbein - max frisch
gruber goes - doris knecht
the god of carnage - yasmina reza
the importance of being earnest - oscar wilde
james worthy - james worthy
the judge and his hangman - friedrich dürrenmatt
the life of the whises - thomas glavinic
minority report - philip k. dick
never let me go - kazuo ishiguro
the methamorphosis - franz kafka
the methamorphosis - franz kafka
the perfume - patrick süskind
the picture of dorian grey - oscar wilde
the pledge - friedrich dürrenmatt
the road - cormac mccarthy
the trial - franz kafka
salvador - henk van straten
the trial - franz kafka
salvador - henk van straten
second variety - philip k. dick
small world - martin suter
sophie's world - jostein gaarder
sophie's world - jostein gaarder
superlul - henk van straten
the stranger - albert camus
the unit - ninni holmqvist
we can remember it for you wholesale - philip k. dick
wuthering heights - emily bronte